Course Features
- Lectures 0
- Quizzes 0
- Duration 10 weeks
- Skill level All levels
- Language English
- Students 0
- Certificate No
- Assessments Yes
Introduction :
Ayurveda is the traditional Yoga Therapy system of India. While Ayurveda is a complete medical science, Ayurvedic Yoga Therapy focuses on the practices of Yoga and how they participate in the healing process.
Introduction :
Our Group is in the education and Yoga field for the last 46 years. More than 12,000 students are studying under the kind guidance and inspiration of the enlightened Masters Swami Sri Paramanand Giriji & Baba Sri Kedarnathji, who have transformed the lives of tens of thousands.
We are pleased to offer Authentic, Certified & Recognized Programs in Meditation under the guidance mainly from Dr. Omanand (Guruji) and other prominent Doctors, Professors guide these programs. Paramanand Institute of Yoga Sciences and Research, Hindu University of America, Orlando have joined hands for these powerful and authentic Programs.
Introduction :
Vaastu Sciences considered the interplay of various forces of nature involving the five elements of earth, water, wind, fire and ether and strives to maintain equilibrium as these elements influence, guide and change the living styles of not only human beings but every living being on earth. Thus they influence our deeds, luck, behavior and other basics of life.
Objective & Benefit :
Vastu Sciences can bring harmony, happiness, peace and unity among all. After completion of this courses student will able to use vastu science for their own or professional use and can bring enormous wealth and joy in the lives of human beings. Benefits for Participants of this course, Save Money, Save Energy, Save Time, complete projects without hurdle, Positive flow of energy.
Objective & Benefit :
1 Introduction and importance of Vastu, Introduction of sthapatya veda
(vastu-shastra), various texts of Vastu-shastra
2 Characteristics of an architect (vastu-shastri), vastu-shastra and allied subjects like
jyotish, maths, geology, karma-kand, (worship of deities), material sciences, yoga,
alphabets, mantras, spiritual, science, plants and trees, etc .
3. Theory or principles of vastu, solar system and its effects, types of vastu-daily,
seasonal etc, directions and their properties, division of site
4. Practical aspects or application, classification of people, site selection (vicinity, shape,
locality, slope etc), soil testing, defects, rectification and taking possession of the site
5 Calculation of auspicious size of the site, auspicious time (muhurt), foundation stone
6 Doors’ locations and effects, planning,
7 Drawing room, bed room, kitchen, water tank, study room, stairs, worship room bath
room , toilet, interior decoration,, first entry into the house
8 Vastu effects and their remedies, survey, auspicious sign, tips
Eligibility | Duration | Fees US$ | Learning Method |
Beginners to Advance Yogis or Yoginis. | 1 week | $360 | On Campus or Online |
Introduction :
Vedic astrology is an analysis and forecasting system, based on astronomical data that allows its practitioners to carefully assess and understand behavior, to measure the effects of the past, the influence of the present and the tendency of events to unfold in the future. It has three branches: Siddhanta, Samhita,and Hora. Human body is consists of more than 70% of water and various studies shows that human behavior is affected whenever there are high / low tides. During certain planetary positions human behavior affects in a peculiar manner.
Objective & benefit :
Human beings are always curious to know about their future because of so much uncertainty and insecurity in their lives. By doing this diploma one can be confident to predict about the future based on this science practiced time since un- known. Student will able to use Vedic Astrology for their own or professional use.
Course Structure :
Background of Vedic Astrology and how to approach it ,In depth Study Guide to Astrology of the Seers , Planetary Types and their characteristics , Shadbala: the Six means of Judging Planetary Strength and Weakness , Horoscope Judgment, basic principles , Business Astrology, basic considerations , Relationship Astrology , Vimshopak , Glossaries, Sanskrit and English , Ascending Signs, Impacts, Muhurta, Manglik, Sadesatti Dosha, Signification Events, Transit, Dasa-System, Divisional Charts, Main-Sub periods of planets, Remedial Measure.
Eligibility | Duration | Fees US$ | Learning Method |
Beginners to Advance Yogis or Yoginis. | 1 week | $360 | On Campus or Online |
Introduction :
Yoga 4 Kids is offered to teach yoga & meditation to children of all ages that develops body awareness, good listening skills, cooperation and powers of observation.
Objective & benefit :
Paramanand University offers Yoga for Kids that improves children’s co-ordination, general health, mental health and to helping to treat specific illnesses and conditions, balance, builds strength and stamina and promotes healthy sleeping patterns
Course Structure :
Yoga 4 Kids combines dynamic movements, postures, breathing exercises and meditations of Kundalini yoga and Hatha yoga into an integrated and holistic program of physical fitness, education and social and self-awareness
Eligibility | Duration | Fees US$ | Learning Method |
Beginners to Advance Yogis or Yoginis. | 1 week | $140 | On Campus or Online |
Objective & benefit :
You can start yoga from any stage by which you can maintain yourself healthy so Paramanand University offers Yoga for seniors to teach yoga & meditation to seniors that develops body awareness, good listening skills, cooperation and powers of observation.
Course Structure :
Apart from various postures basic understanding of Yoga and its benefits. Various challenges in old age can be challenged through Yoga. Yoga 4 seniors combines dynamic movements, postures, breathing exercises and Kapal Bhati, Easy Pose (Sukhasana), Cat Pose (Bidalasana) , Dog Pose (Adho Mukha Shvanasana) , Double Leg Raises ,Savasana, Wind Relieving Pose (Pavanamuktasana) , Locust Pose (Salabhasana) . Special consideration is given to limited mobility, joint problems, etc
Eligibility | Duration | Fees US$ | Learning Method |
Beginners to Advance Yogis or Yoginis. | 1 week | $140 | On Campus or Online |
Objective & benefit :
AramanandUniversity offers Yoga for back pain because Back pain is a common problem in our society. One is 5 persons suffer from back pain during their lifetime. Clearly there is a need for a better way to reduce and eliminate this debilitating condition.
Course Structure :
Yoga cultivates a balance between the flexibility and strength of the muscles of the body, often the real culprit in back pain. Most people are tight in key areas affecting the spine, for example in the hips and shoulders. A system such as yoga, which releases the tension in the muscles, should improve back pain. While the emphasis is on stretching and flexibility, yoga also develops muscle strength. Yoga Exercise that are included to improve your back pain are various postures, kriyas and activities.
Eligibility | Duration | Fees US$ | Learning Method |
High School or Graduate or Masters or Ph.D. | 1 week | $140 | On Campus or Online |
Objective & benefit :
Cancer is a diseases in which a group of cells display uncontrolled growth, invasion (intrusion on and destruction of adjacent tissues), and sometimes metastasis (spread to other locations in the body via lymph or blood). Paramanand University offers Yoga for Cancer that is very beneficial and effective for cancer patient, with the help of Yoga, Rangeof motion, flexibility, strength, relaxation,and a sense of bodily well-being are enhanced.
Course Structure :
Yoga is very helpful to make immune system more powerful and encourage our inner healing forces. It calms the nervous system and alleviates the stress and anxiety which lower immune functioning and hinder healing, improves respiration, releases tension and restores balance and calm, develops the detachment and clarity that enables us to acknowledge and accept the realities of our situation and to cope with our fears ,clears toxins, increases energy levels and enhances the functioning of our internal organs and systems
Yoga offers practical tools with which you can help yourself and mobilise your own inner resources. Yoga is empowering because you are doing something for yourself: no-one is doing it for you.
Eligibility | Duration | Fees US$ | Learning Method |
High School or Graduate or Masters or Ph.D. | 1 week | $140 | On Campus or Online |
Introduction :
The Yoga Philosophy and Meditation Program provides an in-depth study of the science and philosophy of Yoga, and other systems of meditation. Emphasis is placed in understanding the psychological and scientific approaches behind the Yoga Sutras, Samkhya, the Vedantic and Upanishadic streams of thought.
Eligibility | Duration | Fees US$ | Learning Method |
High School or Graduate or Masters or Ph.D. | 1 week | $140 | On Campus or Online |
Introduction :
Yoga is helpful in pregnancy, at childbirth time and in post-delivery stages. Yoga poses help to make the body more flexible, improve posture, and to solve many pregnancy problems. It prepares both body and mind for new situations and changes that are very difficult to face expecting mothers. Yoga and breathing meditation techniques help to stay fit, healthy and happy during pregnancy and prepare your body for labor. Simple yoga and meditation techniques are very helpful to reduce anxiety, stress during pregnancy time.
Objective & benefit :
Paramanand University offers Yoga and pregnancy program that is very effective and useful to prepare mind and body for change and helps you to connect to the baby growing within you. Pregnancy yoga postures help to have more comfortable birthing and keep you relaxed at the time of delivery. It relieves edema and cramping which is quite common in last months of pregnancy. Yoga and Pranayama (breathing exercises) help to reduce morning sickness, mood swings, and nausea. It also helps to relieve upper back tension and breast discomfort after pregnancy. It helps to regain the fit and shapely body after pregnancy.
Eligibility | Duration | Fees US$ | Learning Method |
High School or Graduate or Masters or Ph.D. | 1 week | $350 | On Campus or Online |
Introduction :
Human eyes most important part of body that need care and attention.
Objective & benefit :
Yoga plays a significant role in promoting eyes health. Eyes and sight improvement is one of the vital need of better living and joyful life. Eyes are connected to whole body, mind and enable the smooth movements and functioning of body.
Course Structure :
Treatment through yoga, Ayurveda for cataract, night-blindness, double-vision, allergy, myopia, hypermetropia, dry eyes, excessive watering and problems related to cornea and retina. This course helps to cure eye diseases and provides guidance to live with healthy eyes throughout life and Yogic eye exercises strengthen the muscles of the eyes and thus help in curing many ailments of the eyes. Certain eye exercises are known to completely rectify eye problems. This course contains Pranayams, Yog assanas and Acupressure for eyes
Eligibility | Duration | Fees US$ | Learning Method |
High School or Graduate or Masters or Ph.D. | 1 week | $140 | On Campus or Online |
Objective & benefit :
Memory power can be increased with yogic techniques of concentration and meditation. The brain functions of attention, cognition, processing of sensory information and visual perception are sharpened up with yogic practices.
Course Structure :
Yoga calms the mind and improves concentration by increasing the circulation of blood to the brain through its asanas, pranayama, and meditation. Memory lapses can also be prevented through yoga that enhances the power of recall. One can access power of the mind with regular yoga practice. By the help of yoga, we can also achieve clarity of the mind, which transforms into good comprehensive health. An integrated approach of yoga is necessary for the holistic memory. A variety of yoga techniques are available, which when practiced regularly, bring about the described changes in memory like:
Techniques for highest memory development (Anandamaya Kosa)
Memory development at Intellectual level (Vijnanamaya Kosa)
Eligibility | Duration | Fees US$ | Learning Method |
High School or Graduate or Masters or Ph.D. | 1 week | $140 | On Campus or Online |