Human Body and Chakras Most of the books written on Kundalini Shakti are written either without experience or with only theoretical knowledge. Here it is compiled both after research and self-experience as well as our students’ experiences. How many bodies do human beings have? “One” is the answer when commonly asked to people, but …
योग हमारी पुरातन भारतीय जीवन-पद्धति है। इसके माध्यम से तन, मन और मानस को स्वस्थ, सुंदर और संतुलित बनाया जा सकता है। योग से कई गंभीर बीमारियों का आश्चर्यजनक रूप से निदान किया जा रहा है। य ही वजह है कि देश के साथ विदेशों में इसकी लोकप्रियता में तेजी से वृद्धि …
Before coming to India I was so full of anxiety and fears, I knew this would change me in a way I could only imagine. When I first got to India an uneasy feeling filled my body as I seen children banging on the taxi door begging for me to …
Following is the meditation experience of one of our student:- “I have had many wonderful experiences of meditation whilst I have been here at the ashram. They have all been unique experiences. Group Meditation whilst laughing & holding hands Really like the meditation when you connecting to other people by …
Following is the Meditation experience from one of our student. “I am currently at Parmanand Yoga Institue for Science and Research,Indore Madhya Pradesh,India, for my 300hours Yoga teacher’s training course as well as Yoga Therapy Course. It’s a residential course and quite packed with activities spread throughout the day. The …
What is Meditation? Maharishi Patanjali explain it as Dhyana (in Sanskrit) in Patalnjali Yoga Sutra, a very ancient book. But you can read about Meditation in all the ancient book about Yoga that you find out and still don’t know what is Meditation. To have a knowledge means to know, …
A gifted remedy for stress and tension Stress & Sorrow In the present age due to various reasons we are all suffering from stress. This leads to many physical and mental ailments. Medical science has proved that over 90% of the diseases are caused or complicated by stress. Stress is …
Most of the people who want to practice yoga regularly have questions like “How do I do yoga exercises daily? “Or “How do I spare time to exercise, Yoga daily?” The most popular one is “How do I get flexible enough for yoga exercises?” Even sometimes certified yoga teachers are …
Jala Neti A Physical Nasal Cleansing And The Connections To The Higher Jala Neti the Cleansing of our Nasal Passage with Salty-Water is worth a thousand try’s. Imagine yourself drinking the water coming out from the tab in your 10million habitants City where the water passes trough miles of artificial …
Following is the ashram life experience of one of Param Yoga’s student:- Flexibility and Meditation Hello my name is Stefan (Shivananda). I am from Germany and since February 2015 I am staying at Paramanand Ashram in Indore under the Guidance of Guruji Dr. Omanand and other beautiful teachers. I came here …